The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor
The CORE sensor

The CORE sensor

The first and only non-invasive wearable that gives you continuous, accurate core body temperature monitoring.

kr 2,799.20

Completely wireless and portable with bluetooth connection

Wear it on the side of your heart rate strap, or on a CORE chest/arm strap.

Input from the thermal energy transfer sensor is processed by an onboard algorithm built from over one billion data points. This machine learning power means the sensor can be continually optimized.

Get live view of your measurements and an excellent tool to understand and monitor your heat adaptation.

Like other sports sensors, the CORE 
sensor transmits data to paired devices automatically. Just keep it charged, shake it before an activity, and check for the flashing green light.

Other types of wearable thermometers just record skin temperature, the CORE sensor incorporates a Swiss-made thermal energy transfer sensor that detects heat moving from or into the body.


CORE Arm Strap
CORE Arm Strap
CORE Arm Strap
CORE Arm Strap
CORE Arm Strap
CORE Arm Strap

CORE Arm Strap

kr 199.20
View Details
CORE Chest Strap
CORE Chest Strap
CORE Chest Strap
CORE Chest Strap
CORE Chest Strap
CORE Chest Strap

CORE Chest Strap

kr 143.20
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CORE Securing clips
CORE Securing clips
CORE Securing clips
CORE Securing clips
CORE Securing clips
CORE Securing clips

CORE Securing clips

kr 39.20
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CORE Charging Cable
CORE Charging Cable
CORE Charging Cable
CORE Charging Cable

CORE Charging Cable

kr 159.20
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CORE Heat training suit x 2
CORE Heat training suit x 2
CORE Heat training suit x 2
CORE Heat training suit x 2
CORE Heat training suit x 2
CORE Heat training suit x 2

CORE Heat training suit x 2

kr 543.20
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CORE Pads x 15
CORE Pads x 15
CORE Pads x 15
CORE Pads x 15
CORE Pads x 15
CORE Pads x 15

CORE Pads x 15

kr 279.20
View Details

Is temperature important?

5% loss of power for every 1 oC increase in body temperature.

8% Increase in performance with only a few days on well structured heat training.

2.5% increase in hemoglobin mass after long-term heat training.

Heat adaptation

Increased performance in hot and humid climates is an obvious advantage of heat adaptation. 

Another is the production of blood plasma and hemoglobin mass, much similar to the effects of altitude training. 

Thus the benefits are potent under any conditions, even in the Nordics. 


Why measure core body temperature?

When your core body temperature rises during intense exercise your power and pace decline. By the time you notice you’re hot, it’s already too late. That's why the world’s best coaches and athletes use CORE to facilitate heat acclimatization in training and to monitor their core temperature on race day.

Train with Heat Zones

Avoid the risk of training in the wrong heat zone. Too hot and it could have negative effects, and to cold will give no heat adaption.

With accuracy backed by clinical, lab and field tests, CORE makes it simple to train in the right temperature zone. 

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Frequently Asked Questions


Makes heat training simple.

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