Welcome fellow sports enthusiasts
It is our goal to help you succeed. We will not only share the technology and nutrition that we believe in, but also the knowledge to get the most of it.
Our philosophy
The fastest time on the most important race day is our goal. What is yours?
Then, understanding your current status is the key to plan on how to reach YOUR goal. Better understanding lead to better decisions. The final piece is simple - prioritize your largest potential for improvement.
The science that can underline this philosophy can be approached one step at a time. Start with proper fuel. Learn how your body metabolizes that fuel, turns it into energy. Finally, energy is transformed to velocity. How efficient are you through those steps?
The tools we use are all about understanding the chain of events that turn fuel into velocity. Each item you find at DU KAN AUKA, has a unique place in that chain. We will help you understand them.
- Always keep your eye on your goal.
CEO and Daily manager
Alexander Broberg Skeltved has worked with the team since 2012 and been a part of the Olympic preparations of three Olympic cycles. As a coach he has also worked with athletes at all ages and levels and in a range of different sports.
Before his time as an elite coach he was an elite swimmer and later triathlete for the Norwegian national teams. During his career he competed in European and World Championships and also have a number National gold medals.
He also has a PhD in physics and experience as a scientist and researcher in natural sciences.
"I am devoted to make DU KAN AUKA stand out from other online stores, by sharing both the tools and the knowledge to use them."